
Likes: Skiing, reading, spending time with family, cooking… and eating
Dislies: Spiders, intolerance
Favorite Food: sushis, italian food, and chocolate
Favorite Quote: La passion est toujours impatiente [Passion is always impatient]

Rachel Nusbaumer is a Swiss musician, passionate about music since her childhood. Her neoclassical music has quickly oriented her into film music and sound design. She composes soundtracks for short films, documentaries, videos… In 2015, “L’Inconnue du Parc”, a short film she scored, has been selected at the 68th Cannes Film Festival and allowed her to climb the mythical red carpet. The fundament for her stays classical. She loves developing classic harmonies with more contemporary sounds. Her influences are either Bach and Corelli, Jean-Michel Jarre, Ennio Morricone or Hans Zimmer.

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