
Likes: Dodgeball, beer gardens, and terrible puns.

Dislikes: Empty fridges, slow walkers, and socks with holes in.

Favorite Food: Would you ask a man to pick his favourite child?

Favorite Quote: One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. – Bob Marley

Matt was first introduced to Logic Pro at the age of 12, where he quickly learned he had a real knack for pushing buttons and making noise. He went on to study a Masters in Music and Sound, before landing himself a role at a prestigious London-based studio. Under the tutelage of award-winning composer Sefi Carmel, Matt continued to develop the tricks of the trade, and had the privilege to work with clients such as Waste Creative (Clash of Clans) and Steam Motion and Sound, as well as countless artists. He has also worked on feature films such as Legacy of Lies and Hansel and Gretel.

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