
Likes: cats, red wine

Dislikes: hampsters, IPA’s

Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Quote: Make Glorious Mistakes

Good music makes you feel something, so if it doesn’t feel right, it’s not right. I’m an experienced writer, singer, producer, session musician and a graduate from Bob Cole Music Conservatory in Jazz & Classical Voice.  I’m an LA native that never wants to leave. I’ve written and produced hundreds of songs for myself, other artists, commercials, etc. I’ve also worked as a session guitar player and singer for the past 7 years. When you hire me, more than my vocal chords, fingers, rhyming ability or technical knowledge, you’re paying for my artistic sensibility and taste. I take that seriously and do my best to emotionally invest in every project I take on while keeping a professional and complimentary attitude.

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